大阪府立中央図書館 国際児童文学館 企画展示「国際児童文学館移転開館10周年記念 しかけ絵本に驚く、楽しむ ―イギリスの歴史からはじめて―」【展示資料リスト】
- しかけ絵本のはじまり
- しかけ絵本の源流
- しかけ絵本の隆盛
- ロウザ・メッゲンドルファーのしかけ絵本
- だまし絵、音が出る絵本
- ヨーロッパのしかけ絵本シリーズ
- アメリカのしかけ絵本
- 20世紀後半の隆盛
- しかけ絵本の名手とユニークな作品群
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
1 | 変身する本 | Metamorphoses: Ever-changing Characters. More than two hundred combinations. Originally published in Germany c.1890. Harleston, Norfolk, UK: Tobar Limited. n.d. 29.5×14.1cm(三つ折り本)復刻版 |
2 | あたま、からだ、あし | Denis Wirth-Miller & Richard Chopping: Heads, Bodies & Legs, Aylesbury, Bucks: Hunt, Barnard & Co., for Penguin Books Ltd, 1946. 32pp. (26figures.) A Puffin Picture Book. 17.8×10.9cm |
3 | 8192通りの変な服装 | Walter Trier: 8192 Crazy Costumes, London: Atrium Press. London: Dugdale Printing Ltd. [1950]. 32 Figures. 17.4×12.5cm |
4 | 8192人の変な人たち | Walter Trier: 8192 Crazy People, London: Atrium Press. London: Dugdale Printing Ltd. 3rd impression, [1949]. 32 Figures. 17.4×12.5cm |
5 | 729ひきのゆかいないきもの | Helen Oxenbury: 729 Curious Creatures, Methuen/ Walker Books, 1980. Reprinted 1981. 9 Figures. 23.6×15.0cm |
6 | 729人のびっくりな人たち | Helen Oxenbury: 729 Puzzle People, Methuen/ Walker Books, 1980. Reprinted 1981. 9 Figures. 23.6×15.0cm |
7 | 729ひきのいろんなどうぶつ | Helen Oxenbury: 729 Animal Allsorts, Methuen/ Walker Books, 1980. 9 Figures. 23.6×15.0cm |
8 | ヘンリーくんのお話 | S. & J. Fuller: The History and Adventures of Little Henry, exemplified in a series of figures, 1810. 4 cards (head, 7 dresses, 4 hats) 16pp. 13.1×10.2cm 復刻版1977. |
9 | シンデレラ、または小さなガラスの靴 | S. & J. Fuller: Cinderella; or the Little Glass Slipper, 1814. 8 cards (head, 7 dresses) 24pp. 13.0×11.0cm |
10 | わたしの人形の家 | My Dolly’s Home, By Doris Davey after Helen Waite. London; Arts and General Publishers, Limited. London; Wass, Pritchard & Co., 1921. 48pp., 24pp. 23.02×29.5cm |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
11 | コロちゃんはどこ? | エリック・ヒル作 まつかわまゆみ訳 評論社 1984(2016年64刷)24pp. 21.6×21.6cm (初出1980年 Eric Hill: Where’s Spot?) |
12 | 絵便り 戴冠式 のぞきからくり本 | Edwin Smith: The Picture Post Coronation Peep-Show Book, London: Hulton Press, 1953. London: Balding & Mansell, Printers. 32pp. 20.5×18.5cm |
13 | シンデレラ:のぞきからくり本 | Cinderella: A Peepshow Book, Illustrated by Roland Pym. London: Folding Books Ltd., n.d. c.1950? 12pp. 6scenes. 17.4×14.3cm |
14 | 戴冠式の行列 | Coronation Prossion. c.1837 22pp. 10.1×15.8cm |
15 | 英国の王と女王のゆかいな歴史:ウィリアム征服王から現在まで | Alfred Crowquill: Comic History of the Kings and Queens of England from Willam the Conqueror to the Present Time, [1863] 18pp. 13.3×15.2cm. |
16 | ホレス・メイヒューの空想した歯痛苦行 | George Cruikshank: The Toothache Imagined by Horace Mayhew. London: D. Bougue, n.d. [1870?] 復刻版出版:The Arts Council of Great Britain/ Printed by Lund Humphries. n.d. [197?] 24pp. 13.7×9.3cm |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
17 | ローズ・マートン:幼い孤児物語 | Rose Merton; The Little Orphan; Deans New Dress Book. London: Dean & Son, c.1860. Ff. 8.(片面印刷)6 hand-colored illustrations are engraved by Calvert. 1ページ欠 25.1×17.7cm |
18 | シンデレラ:劇の一場面 | Cinderella; Dean’s Scenic Series No. 4. London: Dean & Son, c.1870. Ff.12pp. 26.0×20.0cm |
19 | いないいないばぁ絵本:子どものための新しい本 | Peep-Bo Pictures: A Novel Book for Children, Verses by Maud Carlton; pen-and-ink Illustrations by G.H. Thompson. Nister / Dutton, c.1898(B.L. 受入年) 16pp.(6 movable scenes. Slits. 1ページ欠 19.8×17.5cm |
20 | 幼い子どもたちの楽しみ | Little Folk’s Fun, Verse by Constance M. Lowe; pen-and-ink illustrations by Hilda. Robinson. Nister/Dutton, c.1900. 6 revolving scenes, 19.8×18.8cm |
21 | 回転する絵本 | Revolving Pictures; A Reproduction from an Antique Book by Ernest Nister (London),1892. William Collins Sons & Co., 1979, Printed in Cali, Colombia for Intervisual Communications, Inc., Los Angeles.6 Scenes. 23.5×22.0cm 復刻版 |
22 | ドン・ルフォの学校 | La Escuela de Don Rufo; Reproducción de un antiguo libro tridimensional de Ernest Nister, Ediciones Montena, Madrid, 1982. Printed in Cali, Colombia for Intervisual Communications, Inc., Los Angeles. 18pp. 26.3×19.5cm復刻版 |
23 | 動く絵 | Moving Pictures; Action Surprises, Hidden Images by Ernest Nister. New York: Philomel Books, 1985. Printed in Cali, Colombia for Intervisual Communications, Inc., Los Angeles. 12pp. 26.1×19.5cm復刻版 |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
24 | ゆかいな役者たち | Lothar Meggendorfer: Lustiges Automaten-Theater, Esslingen: J.F.Schreiber, [c1890] 8 tab moveables. 36.8×25.5cm (英語版Comic Actors.) |
25 | 新しいどうぶつの絵本 | Lothar Meggendorfer: Neue Thierbilder, München: Braun und Schneider, c1890 6th printing. 8 tab moveables. 32.0×23.5cm (英語版New Animal Picture Book.) |
26 | ロウザ・メッゲンドルファーの国際サーカス | Lothar Meggendorfer’s International Circus: A reproduction of the antique pop-up book. Produced by Intervisual Communications, Inc. Printed in Colombia, South America. London, Kestrel Books; New York, Viking Press, 1979. 33.0×22.0cm. (1887 work published by J. F. Schreiber of Esslingen, Germany.) 復刻版 |
27 | トリック オア トリート | Trick or Treat; A reproduction of an antique moving picture book full of surprises by Lothar Meggendorfer. 原著:Nur Fur Kinder, 1899. Published by J.E. Schreiber Esslingen in Germany. London; Ernest Benn Limited, 1981. 10pp. 21.5×24.6cm 復刻版 |
28 | 人形の家 | The Doll’s House: A Reproduction of the Antique Pop-Up Book by Lothar Meggendorfer, Produced by Intervisual Communications, Inc. Printed in Cali, Colombia, South America. New York, Viking Press; London, Kestrel Books, 1983. 原著:1890. 21.5×26.2cm 復刻版 |
29 | 人形の家 | Das Duppenhaus. Esslinger, 2018(©2007) 13.0×15.8cm *ドイツの小型復刻版 |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
30 | グスタヴ・ヴァーベックのさかさま世界 | Gustave Verbeek: Topsy-Turvy World of Gustave Verbeek. Norfolk, U.K. Tobar Limited, (原著1904から4話抽出) 27pp. 14.7×10.6cm [1999] 復刻版 |
31 | さかさま | Peter Newell: Topsys & Turvys. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1964 (原著1902.The Century Company.) 74pp. 15.2×22.5cm 復刻版 |
32 | ロケットの本 | Peter Newell: The Rocket Book, Tokyo: The Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc., 1995 (初版1969、原著初版c.1912)4,44pp. 23.0×18.2cm 復刻版 |
33 | オーホー!ある2つの顔を持つ人たち | Words by Laurence Whistler, The drawings by Rex Whistler: OHO!;Certain Two-faced Individuals. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head Ltd., 1946. Printed in Bradford & Dickens of London. 32pp. 24.8×19.3cm |
34 | おはなしおもちゃの本:にわとり、やぎ、ねこ、鳥、ひつじ、カッコーの声の本 | The Speaking Toybook; Reproducing the Voices of the Cock, the Goat, the Cat, the Bird, the Lamb and the Cuckoo. c. 1900. (2), (2), 6pp. 6 colored plates. 18.4×22.1cm |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
35 | ブッカーノの動物園:事実と魅力と楽しさと | S. Louis Giraud, ed, & prouduced : Bookano Zoo; Animals in Fact Fancy and Fun; They all stand up life-like when the book is opened. London: Strand Publications, n. d. [1939] 6 pop-ups (giraffe, elephant, lion, bison, polar bear, camel) [43]pp. 20.8×25.8cm |
36 | ブッカーノ童話集 No.5 | Bookano Stories with Pictures that Spring up in Model Form. No.5, Edited & Produced by S.Louis Giraud, London: Strand Publications, 1938. 5 pop-ups [66]pp. 22.0×17.0cm |
37 | ブッカーノ童話集 No.10 | Bookano Stories with Pictures that Spring up in Model Form. No.10, Edited & Produced by S.Louis Giraud, London: Strand Publications, 1943. 5 pop-ups [62]pp. 22.0×17.0cm |
38 | ブッカーノ童話集 No.15 | Bookano Stories with Pictures that Spring up in Model Form. No.15, Edited & Produced by S.Louis Giraud, London: Strand Publications, 1948. 5 pop-ups [70]pp. 22.0×17.0cm |
39 | デイリー・エクスプレスのABC | The Daily Express A.B.C.;A book in which all the letters of the Alphabet stand up in life-like form when the pages open. London: The Daily Express, 1932. 16pp. 22.0×17.2cm |
40 | シンデレラ:おとぎ話灰かぶり | Cinderella: Das Märchen vom aschenbrödel, by V. Kubasta, Prague; Artia, Humburg: Carlsen Verlag. 1960. 16pp. 20.8×26.4cm |
41 | シンデレラ | Cinderella, by V. Kubasta, Prague; Artia, London: Bancroft & Co. 1961. 16pp. 20.6×25.8cm |
42 | シンデレラ | Cenerentola, by V. Kubasta, Prague; Artia, Cino del Duca Editore 1962. 16pp. 20.7×25.4cm |
43 | ヘンゼルとグレーテル(ちえのつくとびだすえほん) | by V. Kubasta, だ・かぽ同人編訳 岩崎書店 Arita, チェコスロバキア印刷 1966. 16pp. 27.8×21.0cm |
44 | 眠れる森の美女 | Sleeping Beauty. by V. Kubasta, Prague; Artia, London: Bancroft & Co. 1961. 16pp. 20.4×26.2cm |
45 | 赤ずきんちゃん | Rotkäppchen, by V. Kubasta, Esslinger in der Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag GmbH, 2019. 12pp. 20.0×25.4cm |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
46 | シンデレラ・アニメーション | Cinderella Animations, by Julian Wehr. New York: E. P. Dutton, [1945?] Lithographed in U.S.A. 18pp. 22.3×17.8cm 5 scenes |
47 | ウォルト・ディズニーのアリスと帽子屋のお茶会 | Walt Disney’s Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party;A Pop-up Book. Retold by Lornie Leete-Hodge. London: Purnell, 1969. 10pp. 16.5×23.5cm |
48 | ウォルト・ディズニーのミッキーマウスと沈んだ宝 | Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and the Sunken Treasure; A Pop-Up Turn-Around-Book. Berkshire: Purnell Books, 1978. Printed in Colombia, S. A. for Intervisual Communications. Ff10pp. 26.0×16.9cm |
番号 | タイトルの邦訳 | 本の情報 |
49 | サムのサンドイッチ | David Pelham:Sam’s Sandwich, illustrated by David Pelham and Harry Willock. Random House Ltd., Uk.,1997. ©1990、Jonathan Cape, Ltd. Produced by White Heat Ltd. Santa Fe New Mexico. Printed and hand-assembled in Singapore by Tien Wah Press, Ltd. 10 Scenes. 15.3×14.8×3.5cm |
50 | ひときれのケーキ | David Pelham:A Piece of Cake. Jonathan Cape, 2001. Produce by Hedgehog Books Limited. Printed in Colombia and assembled in Ecuador. 12 Scenes. 13.2×14.5×8.0cm |
51 | オズの魔法使い | L. Frank Baum:The Wonderful Wizard of OZ: A Commemorative Pop-up. Art by Robert Sabuda, Little Simon, 2000. An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division, New York. 14pp. 7 Scenes 26.0×21.2cm |
52 | はこのなかにはなんびきいるの? | David A. Carter: How many Bugs in a Box?; A Pop-up Counting Book. Simon & Schuster, ©1988. 2006(First reduced-size edition). 14pp. 7scenes. 15.0×18.5cm |
53 | あかまるちゃん | David A. Carter: One Red Dot: A Pop-up Book for Children of All Ages. New York: Little Simon, ©2004. (Franco Cosimo Pnini Editore in Italy), 2005. Manufactured in China. 18pp. 9 Scenes. 23.5×23.5cm |
54 | くろまるちゃん | David A. Carter: 600 Black Spots: A Pop-up Book for Children of All Ages, New York: Little Simon, 2007. Manufactured in China. 18pp. 9 Scenes. 23.5×23.5cm |
55 | おばけやしき | Jan Pienkowski: Haunted House; Let yourself in, Jane Walmsley, assistant illustrator. Tor Lokvig, paper engineer. London; William Heinemann, ©1979. Reprinted in 1979. Printed in Colombia, South America for Intervisual Communications, Inc. 12pp. 6 scenes. 30.0×19.8cm. |
56 | ファースト・クリスマス | Jan Pienkowski: The First Noel, A Christmas Carousel. Walker Books, 2004. David Walser, assistant illustrator. Helen Balmer with Lois Bulow Osborne, paper engineering. Manufactured in China. 5 scenes. 25.0×14.5cm. |
57 | マミー? | MOMMY?. Art by Maurice Sendak. Scenario by Arthur Yorinks. Paper Engineering by Matthew Reinhart. Michael di Capua Books/ Schoastic, 2006. Printed assembled in China. 6 scenes. 21.2×20.8cm |